Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Hollywood Palladium
Los Angeles, CA USA
Rock for Choice 1993 #1
Previous show:
1993-01-22 - J.C. Dobbs Philadelphia, PA USA
Next show:
1993-01-26 - Underworld London, England
This was a Rock For Choice benefit with many other acts (Screaming Trees, Concrete Blonde, 7 Year Bitch). Freedom was on the setlist but not performed due to time constraints.

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 44 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: ijwthstd
Lineage: Cassette Master -> CDRW700 -> EAC -> Soundforge -> FLAC
Notes: Another great ijwthstd tape! His notes: Only 2 months after the release of the first CD it was already apparent at this show they were going to be huge, at least in L.A. This was a Rock For Choice benefit with many other acts (Screaming Trees, Concrete Blonde, 7 Year Bitch) but RATM was clearly the top draw in the 3,500 capacity venue and the "Fuck You I Won't Do What You Tell Me" chant breaks out several times throughout the evening.