Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Cal State Velodrome
Carson, CA USA
Previous show:
1996-04-19 - Dragonfly Los Angeles, CA USA
Next show:
1996-05-02 - Revolver Madrid, Spain

Setlist (Complete):

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 90 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: ijwthstd
Lineage: D3 Cassette Master
Notes: Another great ijwthstd tape!
Type: DVD - Audience
Length: 82 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: gdavisloop
Lineage: Hi8 > VHS (unknown gen) > VHS
Notes: Shot from the left of the stage, but toward the end the filmer moves over to the right side of the stage.
Type: DVD - Audience
Length: 86 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Joe H.
Lineage: VHS (Unknown Gen) -> DVD
Notes: Shot from the right of the stage.