Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

State Fairgrounds
Salt Lake City, UT USA
Evil Empire - North America Leg 1
Previous show:
1996-09-10 - Old Idaho State Penitentiary Boise, ID USA
Next show:
1996-09-13 - Red Rocks Denver, CO USA
This is the infamous concert that Rage was accidentally booked for. Locals attempted to collect 10 dollars for every resident in the town to cover the costs of cancelling the show. Despite their efforts, Rage ended up playing and by all accounts brought down the house. Acccording to a BYU review of the show, Rage played Bulls on Parade, and "Then Rage Against the Machine did a cover of a certain controversial, anti-police Public Enemy song. The crowd went crazy." The article also mentions that Rage was only able to play for an hour, and mentions Killing in the Name.

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: MP4 - Audience
Length: 3 minutes
Complete: No
Taper: Girls Against Boys
Lineage: Unknown Camera
Notes: Partial footage of Bullet in the Head, Zack speaking about the police prescence, and Fuck the Police. Awesome footage - thank you for sharing!