Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Fuji Festival
Yamanashi, Japan
Previous show:
1997-07-25 - Tokyo Blitz Tokyo, Japan
Next show:
1997-08-08 - Coral Sky Amphitheatre West Palm Beach, FL USA

Setlist (Complete):

Mt Fuji Festival. Keith and Maxim joined Rage on stage for We Take Their Shelter. Tony Woolliscroft had this to say about Rage: Rage Against The Machine are next up — and yes, it’s still pissing down. There’s a massive cheer as the hand come on for what is apparently only their second Japanese gig ever and launch straight into ‘People Of The Sun’. Of course, the crowd goes suitably mental. From the side of the stage, all of the Chili Peppers, The Prodigy and the Foo Fighters are also watching. Rage’s set is so intense that we wait for Mount Fuji to erupt. The highlight of the LA quartet’s show comes when Keith and Maxim from The Prodge bound onstage with Rage to jam through a brand new, still untitled song. Later, I ask both hands about the song: it turns out that it was totally unrehearsed. Rage ran through the song the night before in Tokyo without Keith and Maxim, and then — out of the blue — walked up to them at the side of the stage on Saturday and asked them to join in. Keith later claimed that he didn’t even know the lyrics, he just followed Zack de la Rocha…

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - FM
Length: 33 minutes
Complete: No
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: FM > DAT @ 48kHz > Tascam DA-20 > MicroTrack II 2496
Notes: Transferred by tapeworm. His notes: "Abrupt transitions from one song to next, and likely incomplete performance. I transferred my DAT2 in 2017. Raw transfer with no fades or EQ."
Type: DVD - Pro Shot
Length: 33 minutes
Complete: No
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: TV Broadcast -> High Gen VHS -> DVD
Notes: Incomplete broadcast, but man it looks wet at this concert!
Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: ?? minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Unknown
Lineage: DAT
Notes: Supposedly a recording exists.