Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Grand Olympic Auditorium
Los Angeles, CA USA
Previous show:
2000-09-12 - Grand Olympic Auditorium Los Angeles, CA USA
Next show:
2007-04-14 - House of Blues Chicago, IL USA

Setlist (Complete):

The last performance before their reunion. This features the most Renegades songs performed at a concert, and the band had to restart I'm Housin due to a bad start. Zack asked the concert to stop giving them grief about it because it was 'only their second time playing it'. Cypress Hill joined the band for "How I Could Just Kill a Man". Parts of this performance were taken for the Live DVD and CD, but this setlist was taken from an audience recording.

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 91 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Ed Davis
Lineage: DPA 4061s -> CSBox -> Sony PCM-M1
Notes: Amazing recording! This sounds better than the actual CD released! This was released over 15 years after the performance, I thought a recording would never surface.