Rage Against the Machine

Show Information:

Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY USA
Public Service Announcement Tour
Previous show:
2022-08-12 - Madison Square Garden New York City, NY USA
Next show:
No known future shows!
Longest set by Rage to date. Zack introduced the band for the first time ever during Sleep Now in the Fire and gave a speech during Wake Up. Wind Below was on the V1 setlist but it was replaced by Vietnow on the V2 setlist

Please Email Me if you have any more pictures!


Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 109 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: TJ (http://ratm.live)
Lineage: Schoeps MK4s > Babynbox > PCM-A10
Notes: What a way to close out five nights at the Garden. Rage delivered their longest known set ever to close out their US run of shows with an absolutely epic performance. We got two more songs in addition to their normal rotation + we ALMOST had Wind Below!! It was on the V1 setlist but a V2 setlist was performed instead. Each song sounded incredible and I think Rage left it all on the stage last night. Continually blown away by the energy this band puts out. A special thanks to Joe, Anthony, Alex, Andrew, Tom, and Joe B. for an absolutely incredible time last night. Was great to finish the MSG run with such a great crew and cannot wait to do it again next year. Anthony and Joe hoisted me one final time at the Garden to wave the flag and Brad hit me in the head with a drumstick he lobbed directly at me. Hope someone got that drumstick!
Type: FLAC - Audience
Length: 109 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: JB
Lineage: Schoeps MK41s > Babynbox > Edirol R-07
Notes: Thanks to JB for taping this show and sending it my way!! Hugely appreciate it. An honor to tape with you at Rage's final show at MSG! Tape sounds fantastic. Thankfully no gillians were there to fuck up the tape this time. Full Send!
Type: MP4 - Audience
Length: 108 minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: TJ (http://ratm.live)
Lineage: Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS100 (4K video) + Schoeps MK4s (audio)
Notes: Shot from the second row in front of Tim (once again!).
Type: MP4 - Pro Shot
Length: ?? minutes
Complete: Yes
Taper: Hate5Six
Lineage: The infamous Hate5Six BFG looking camera + mutiple other cameras.
Notes: The legendary Hate5Six filmed the concert with multiple cameras.